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Neuroimaging: Unveiling the Central Nervous System
Neuroimaging explores the intricate structure and function of the central nervous system through cutting-edge quantitative techniques. It...
Prisha d/o Alagu Subramanian
May 12, 20244 min read

Feeding the Brain Beast: The Neurobiology of Food Addiction
It’s 10:54 pm. You’re lying on the couch, watching a comfort movie, and beside you is a pizza box. Now, you’ve already eaten four hefty...
Yurino Hisamori
Apr 14, 20243 min read

Unlikely just a 'Glitch in the Matrix'– What causes Déjà Vu?
We all know the iconic “Do you get déjà vu, huh?” from songwriter Olivia Rodrigo– lyrics directed at her ex-boyfriend and his new...
Yurino Hisamori
Mar 23, 20243 min read

How Music Affects Your Brain
Music has long been a beloved form of entertainment, with musicians like Bangtan Boys (BTS) often achieving celebrity status and their...
Prisha d/o Alagu Subramanian
Mar 7, 20243 min read

Neuroplasticity: Harnessing the Potential of the Human Brain
For many years, the brain was believed to be a ‘non-renewable organ’, and its structure and function were fixed and immutable. However,...
Alden Lam
Feb 22, 20242 min read
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