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Expectations VS Reality: Architectural Designs VS Final Result

Clara Chan

Architecture is known as the art and science behind buildings and structural designs, while incorporating the technical skills of construction (Importance of architecture in designing building | Britannica, 2024). Just like everything else, it has a process, and its primary stages include:

  1. Feasibility Study

  2. Programming

  3. Schematic Design

  4. Design Development

  5. Construction Documentation

  6. Bidding and Negotiation

  7. Construction Administration

  8. Post-Occupancy Training

(ECLKC, 2023)

What are architectural designs?

Image 1: Example image of an architectural design (, 2024)

Architectural designs are defined as conceptual drawings that establish the measurements, materials, bases, spaces, shapes and colours required in the building. Its main purpose is to conflate the technological and aesthetic aspects within a structure, into an identifiable, geometrical and artistic design. As a result, building contractors can understand how the building is meant to be built. A schematic architectural design also allows the architect to flexibly make changes or explore ideas that may have never been investigated before, elevating the architecture field globally.

Architectural designs are versatile and incorporate a diverse range of elements, including, space, colour, size, shape, and texture. Through visuals and diagrams, the main ideas of the buildings or structures can be clearly communicated.

What is the process from designing to the final building?

Stage 1: Feasibility Study

This step examines and researches the feasibility and practicality of the architectural project (ECLKC, 2023).

Examples may include:

  • Budget

  • Site analysis (eg. can the site withstand the shape and size of the structure?)

  • Materials (eg. are there any toxins or hazardous materials that require handling?)

  • Size and shape

Stage 2: Programming

Known as the pre-design phase, this requires numerous decisions to be made to ensure the wants and needs of the structure (ECLKC, 2023).

Examples may include:

  • Building size and configuration

  • Site analysis

  • Aesthetic considerations

  • Environmental evaluation

  • Quality, safety requirements

  • Exterior and interior needs

  • Budget demands

  • Material supply

Stage 3: Schematic Design 

This stage amalgamates the considerations from Stages 1 & 2 and creates an artistic yet technical drawing of the project to present a unified design/plan (ECLKC, 2023).

Stage 4: Design Development

Architects create a highly refined, specific and detailed drawing (ECLKC, 2023).

Examples may include:

  • A selection of materials and engineering systems

  • A layout of furniture and rooms

  • A specific and clear outline of measurements, requirements, code issues etc.

  • A clear image of the design intention

Stage 5: Construction Documentation

After stages 1-4, this stage finalises the overall process by providing the documents and permits needed for contractors to approve the project (ECLKC, 2023).

Stage 6: Bidding and Negotiation 

Significant networking occurs in this stage. A project is put out to bid, and the client signs a contract with the contractor. Many bidding documents are involved to allow the building to be put into action, and negotiation with the client develops (ECLKC, 2023).

Stage 7: Construction Administration 

This stage focuses on on-site visits during construction, where communication between the client and construction workers needs to run smoothly for an efficient and effective outcome (ECLKC, 2023).

Examples may include:

  • Clarifying the drawings to workers

  • Administering the construction progress to the client

Stage 8: Post-Occupancy Training 

Known as the post-construction stage, the structure is finally built out and refined. More networking typically takes place. (ECLKC, 2023).

Examples may include:

  • A clarification of how the environment can be altered based on what it will be used for.

  • A clear and precise definition of how the structure can be enhanced, and how it can be used to fit various needs.

Watch this video to understand more about the architectural process. (DamiLee, 2022)

Is there usually a drastic difference from the design to the final building?

The structure was finally built after undergoing the 8 stages of architecture. Generally, there aren’t any extensive and dramatic changes that would occur. All 8 stages of architecture would have been conducted by directors, managers and planners who cautiously ensure that the final product would be one that the client is satisfied with, while closely aligning with the design they approved.

Works Cited

DamiLee (2022). Architectural Design Process Explained. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

ECLKC. (2023). Eight Steps in the Design Process | ECLKC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024]. (2024). The Settler Colonial Present - Eliseo Huencho - Indigenous Architectural Design Guides in Chile. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

Importance of architecture in designing building | Britannica. (2024). In: Encyclopædia Britannica. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].


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