Have you ever felt a gnawing at your stomach, a dull ache at the back of your head, or a sting in your knee when it scrapes the ground? Well, you might think that the pain you feel comes from your stomach, your head, or your knee, but in reality, it is the brain that interprets and shapes the pain you feel, from a feather-light pinch to a third-degree burn on your hand.

What are the types of pain?
Pain can be categorised into 2 different types, acute and chronic. You most likely have experienced acute pain in your everyday life from an injury, such as a paper cut or simply stubbing your toe. This is because pain receptors located near the injury immediately transmit information to the brain, allowing our body to react and protect ourselves from harm. Acute pain can be both minor and severe, but typically has the ability to resolve and fade away once the body heals itself unless it develops into chronic pain, where your brain continues to perceive the pain beyond the normal recovery period. Chronic pain is also defined as pain that persists for more than 3-6 months whether that be from an acute injury or from a chronic health condition such as arthritis.
What role does the brain play in how we experience and interpret pain?
The brain works as the CEO of our nervous system, with our specialised nerves cells known as nociceptors working as the messengers.
Bibliography :
Bisconti, K.-L. (2023). How Pain Works: The Brain is the CEO. [online] Carenewengland.org. Available at: https://www.carenewengland.org/blog/how-pain-works-the-brain-is-the-ceo [Accessed 1 Dec. 2024]. |
https://www.nichd.nih.gov/. (2017). How can I describe my pain to my health care provider? [online] Available at: https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/pelvicpain/conditioninfo/describe [Accessed 1 Dec. 2024]. |
NIH MedlinePlus Magazine. (2023). ‘Ouch, that hurts!’ The science of pain | NIH MedlinePlus Magazine. [online] Available at: https://magazine.medlineplus.gov/article/ouch-that-hurts-the-science-of-pain [Accessed 1 Dec. 2024]. |
support@valethealth.com (2021). How The Nervous System Detects and Interprets Pain - Southern Pain and Neurological. [online] Southern Pain and Neurological. Available at: https://southernpainclinic.com/blog/how-the-nervous-system-detects-and-interprets-pain/#:~:text=The%20Role%20of%20the%20Brain%20in%20Interpreting%20Pain&text=The%20goal%20of%20the%20pain,to%20similar%20types%20of%20pain. [Accessed 1 Dec. 2024]. |
The National Vulvodynia Association. (2024). How We Feel Pain - The National Vulvodynia Association. [online] Available at: https://www.nva.org/learnpatient/how-we-feel-pain/ [Accessed 1 Dec. 2024]. |