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  • Priscilla Leung

Laws of Thermodynamics in Biology

The laws of thermodynamics are some of the most fundamental principles in all of science, governing the behavior of energy and matter in the universe. While these laws were initially developed in the context of physics and chemistry, they have profound implications for our understanding of biology as well. After all, living organisms are complex systems that continually take in, transform, and expend energy - processes that are subject to the constraints of thermodynamics.

Surprisingly, the apparent contradiction between the tendency towards disorder described by the laws of thermodynamics and the highly organized nature of living things has been a source of fascination and inquiry for scientists. How do biological systems manage to maintain their complex, ordered state in the face of the natural pull towards entropy? The answer lies in the unique ways that living organisms interact with their environment and utilize energy.

The First Law of Thermodynamics and Metabolism

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This principle is clearly reflected in the metabolic processes that power living things. All organisms, from the smallest single-celled bacteria to the largest whales, must constantly take in energy from their surroundings and convert it into forms that can be used to sustain life.

For most organisms, this energy comes in the form of food - whether that's sunlight for photosynthetic plants, organic molecules for heterotrophic animals, or a combination of the two. Through the intricate biochemical pathways of metabolism, these energy-rich compounds are broken down and their stored energy is harnessed to power essential cellular functions like growth, repair, movement, and reproduction.

Crucially, this process is not perfectly efficient - some of the energy is inevitably lost to the environment in the form of heat. But this loss is a necessary consequence of the first law, and living systems have evolved clever ways to minimize waste and maximize the utility of the energy they acquire.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Maintenance of Order

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy, or disorder, of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum at equilibrium. This poses an apparent challenge for the highly organized nature of living things, which seem to defy the universal tendency towards disorder.

The key lies in the fact that biological systems are not isolated - they constantly interact with their environment, taking in energy and materials and expelling waste. It is this exchange of energy and matter that allows living organisms to temporarily resist the pull of entropy and maintain their complex, ordered state.

As organisms harness the energy from their food, they use it to perform work - building new cellular components, repairing damaged structures, and powering the myriad processes that sustain life. In doing so, they are able to create localized pockets of order and organization within the larger system. However, this comes at a cost - the waste heat and entropy generated by these metabolic activities is exported to the surrounding environment, contributing to its overall disorder.

In essence, living things are able to maintain their internal organization by increasing the disorder of their surroundings. This is why ecosystems as a whole tend towards a balance between order and chaos, with highly structured biological communities coexisting with the constant flux of energy and matter.


The laws of thermodynamics are fundamental to our understanding of the physical world, and they have profound implications for biology as well. The fact that living organisms are able to persist in a state of high order and complexity, in apparent defiance of the natural tendency towards disorder, is a testament to the remarkable adaptations and strategies that have evolved to harness and manage energy flows.

By understanding how the principles of thermodynamics shape and constrain the processes of life, we gain deeper insights into the mechanisms that sustain the incredible diversity and complexity of the natural world. From the intricate dance of molecules within a single cell to the delicate balance of entire ecosystems, the laws of thermodynamics provide a unifying framework for comprehending the fundamental forces that govern the living and non-living realms.

Watch THIS VIDEO to explore how cells relate to entropy! 

Works Cited

Schneider, E.D. and Sagan, D. (2005). Into the Cool: Energy Flow, Thermodynamics, and Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Koszalka, T.R. and Schrödinger, E. (2021). The Role of Thermodynamics in the Evolution of Complex Systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379(2188), p.20200221.

Keshavarz, M. and Kimmich, R. (2022). Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and the Emergence of Life. Entropy, 24(1), p.69.

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell (2018). The Laws of Thermodynamics, Entropy, and Life. [YouTube video] Available at: [Accessed 1 June 2024].

SciShow (2021). The Second Law of Thermodynamics Explained. [YouTube video] Available at: [Accessed 1 June 2024].


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