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  • Yurino Hisamori

Muscle Memory Mysteries: The Science of How Our Bodies Remember

Do you ever find yourself subconsciously doing something without thinking? Say you get up at 6:00am in the morning, but by 6:05am, you’ve already gotten up, drew your curtains, chugged a glass of water… and now you’re standing in front of your bathroom mirror. The weird part is that we’ve executed all tasks with perfect precision, subconsciously. We’re not walking androids, nor are we programmed to follow a particular set of activities daily. So why does this happen? 

The secret lies behind motor memories, more commonly known as ‘muscle memory’, which seem to be more persistent than other kinds of memory. In this article, we will delve into the scientific mechanisms behind muscle memory. 

What is muscle memory?

Despite its name, muscle memory involves both the body’s muscles, but also the brain – the process is a result of the complex interplay between neurons, the associated muscle groups, and practice. Here is a breakdown of the process:

1. Learning Phase

Initially, when a newfound task or skill is learnt, the brain creates and strengthens neural pathways related to that specific action. Recalling that memory involves re- activating the associated group of neurons. This learning phase is also known as ‘synaptic plasticity’. The diagram below shows how synaptic plasticity driven by repeated experience can change the degree of connection strengths between neurons – a five year-old and fifty year-old would activate a different set of neurons in response to the same stimulus – which in this case, is a house.

2. Myelination

Myelin is a fatty substance in the human body that speeds up the transmission of signals, and with repeated practice, the associated neural pathways become more insulated with this substance. This allows for a smoother and faster execution of movements, as the transmission of electrical impulses are faster.

3. Conscious to Subconscious Processing

As these pathways become more efficient, the skill becomes more familiar to the human body. The brain then requires less conscious effort to perform the task, transferring control to subconscious parts of the brain, such as the basal ganglia and cerebellum. As the skill becomes more automated, the prefrontal cortex, the precursor to decision-making and conscious control, becomes less active.

The brain continuously receives feedback from sensory systems to make adjustments, but the well-established neural pathways and strengthened synaptic connections allow long-term retention of the skill or task.

The Role of Different Brain Regions

  • Basal Ganglia: Involved in procedural learning and automation of movements

  • Cerebellum: Critical for coordination, precision, and timing of motor patterns

  • Motor Cortex: Responsible for planning, controlling, and executing conscious movements

Practical Implications

Understanding muscle memory can help in various fields:

  1. Sports and Physical Training: Athletes rely on muscle memory to perform complex movements with precision.

  2. Rehabilitation: Physical therapy often leverages muscle memory to help patients regain lost motor functions.

  3. Everyday Tasks: Daily routines become effortless, freeing up mental resources for other activities.

Why is Muscle Memory Persistent?

Muscle memory is particularly resilient due to the strength and efficiency of the neural pathways created through repetition. These pathways are not easily erased, even if the specific skill isn't practiced for a while - this persistence is why you can still ride a bike or type on a keyboard after a long period of not doing so. 

Needless to say, without regular engagement, the retention of muscle memory can diminish over time. However, it is important to note that though muscle memory can weaken, it does not permanently disappear, as weakened muscle memory can often be reactivated than initial learning through practice. Improving muscle memory involves consistent and targeted practices such as repetitive practice, mental rehearsal, and using feedback tools. 

By understanding the science behind muscle memory, we can better appreciate how practice and repetition shape our abilities and routines, making us more adept at navigating our daily lives more productively and fruitfully.

Works Cited

Disc Golf Course Review. (2021). Myelin, muscle memory and the acquisition of motor skills. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].

The University of Queensland (2018). How are memories formed? [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024]. (n.d.). Is Decision Fatigue Real? | Psychology Today. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].


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