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  • Snigdha Suresh

Stress in plants

Stress is a body’s response to pressure. It is a mental tension caused when a person faces difficult situations. We are familiar with what stress does to humans, but have you ever thought about what stress can do to plants? Stress in plants can have a serious impact by decreasing the productivity of plants and crops. There are many different types of stress in plants, but they are mainly classified into two groups: biotic and abiotic stress.

Biotic stress

Biotic stress is caused by other living organisms such as insects, animals, bacteria etc. Some examples include:

  • Biotic stress caused by microbes and insects occurs as they eat the essential parts of the plant, which contributes to its growth, causing nutritional and physiological imbalances. 

  • Scarcity of nutrition in the soil which stunts growth of the plant, leading to wilting.

  • Excess use of tools and machinery which cause wounds in plants. 

Abiotic stress

Abiotic stress is caused by factors such as temperature, drought, flooding, salinity etc. Some examples include:

  • Extreme temperatures. High temperatures cause physiological and metabolic damage, whereas lower temperatures cause the plant to freeze and die. 

  • Lack of or excessive light, which influences the growth and development of plants. 

  • Amount of water. If the plant lacks water, it causes an imbalance in the plant, whereas too much water can limit the growth of the plant. 

Plants have various mechanisms in order to overcome these stresses. They can sense the external stress environment through its sensors located on the cytoplasm. Plants then get stimulated and generate appropriate cell responses. These signalling pathways help the plant to respond appropriately to stress.

Works Cited

Gull, A., Ajaz Ahmad Lone and Noor (2019). Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Plants. IntechOpen eBooks. [online] doi: ‌

Pravia, A. (2023). Types of stress in plants. Basic guide for farmers | Symborg. [online] Symborg. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jul. 2024]. ‌

Tamargo, A. (2021). Plant Stress: Causes, Management, and Solutions | AGQ Labs USA. [online] AGQ Labs USA. Available at: [Accessed 31 Jul. 2024]. ‌

Tiwari, P. (2020). Fig. 8.2 Diagrammatic representation of the various causes of biotic... [online] ResearchGate. Available at: [Accessed 31 Jul. 2024]. ‌


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