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  • Peyton Qian

The Impact of Globalization on National and Cultural Identity

What is globalization?

For centuries, humans have always connected and passed along goods, culture, and ideas through trade routes, but it wasn’t until the start of the 20th century that globalization became the phenomenon we know today. The term ‘globalization’ describes the interdependencies of countries’ economies, cultures, and populations. After the Cold War in the late 1900s, the term became popularly used in the context of advanced economies around the world. Recent globalization has allowed for faster and easier travel and communication across borders through the constant spread of technological advancements. While globalization does benefit society as a whole, there are also serious consequences regarding certain aspects, such as identity.

Does globalization undermine identity?

The process of globalization mainly involves the flow of Western influence to other parts of the world, including popular music, movies, and fashion. This has caused the erosion of many cultural identities, especially among younger generations. As our countries become more interconnected, the lines of cultural boundaries become a blur in the face of global culture. 

With the emergence of global culture, local cultural identities become erased due to the homogenization of customs and lifestyles. Technology, particularly social media, has also contributed considerably to the diffusion of a global culture. From Hollywood to mainstream music to even the English language, Western influence has undermined local identities, culture, and customs, and replaced it with a Westernized way of life; eating fast food rather than local cuisines, watching blockbuster movies over cultural films, and being stripped of the ability to speak the native language.

Enhancing identity

In the new era of globalization, people have been increasingly concerned about the uniqueness of one's culture. In fact, some argue that globalization has brought more awareness about cultural identity than before. While there has been a homogenization of local cultures, we have also become self-aware of the importance and significance of having our own national and cultural identity, which has led to greater attempts at preserving this identity. Therefore, people have been working towards maintaining their local culture and strengthening national identity. 


Ultimately, globalization has rapidly changed our world and has altered our perception of what global identities entails. On one hand, globalization has led to the understanding of just how significant national and cultural identity is. However, globalized influences have also begun to destroy local cultures and national identities, replacing them with a universal identity impacted by the dominating Western ideas. While citizens around the world need to have a shared globalized identity to create a harmonized world, we must not lose sight of the diverse identities that existed before globalization.

Works Cited

Wang, Y. (2007) Globalization Enhances Cultural Identity. Available at: [Accessed: 25 April 2024].

What Is Globalization? (2022) Peterson Institute for International Economics. Available at: [Accessed: 25 April 2024].

Ziyan, J. (2023) Globalization and Its Impact on Cultural Identity: An Analysis, Medium. Available at: [Accessed: 25 April 2024]. 


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