Sarkazein, which directly translates into “to tear flesh like dogs”, is actually the Greek root for one of the most popular types of humour ever known to men - sarcasm. It is a form of verbal irony in which the speaker intends to criticise by remarking the opposite of what they literally mean; the Oxford dictionary’s definition also adds that it is often used to mock or convey contempt. A pejorative undertone is almost always eminent during the usage of sarcasm. Yet, it is precisely this element of negativity which renders the number of benefits drawing on sarcasm can bestow on an individual, all the more astonishing.
Sarcasm From The Lens Of Cognitive Psychology
One study finds that sarcasm can boost creativity. In this particular study, participants were assigned to one of three simulated conditions of dialogue to engage in: sarcastic, sincere, or neutral. To ensure fairness when determining these allocations, the participants selected from pre-written responses on a sheet of paper. Others were recipients of these different types of messages from others. Immediately after the participants engaged in these “conversations”, the researchers presented them with tasks which tested their creativity.
Fascinatingly, they found that those who engaged in a sarcastic conversation fared better on the tasks of creativity. The processes involved in initiating and delivering a sarcastic comment improved the creativity and cognitive functioning of both the commenter and the recipient. This creativity effect only emerged when recipients were able to successfully detect the sarcasm behind the expresser’s message, rather than taking mean comments purely at face value.
Cognitive psychologists theorise that such a benefit can be reaped from sarcasm as during the very process of creating or understanding sarcasm, tone overcomes the contradiction between the literal and actual meanings of the sarcastic expressions. When this process is activated, it is facilitated by abstraction, which in turn promotes creative thinking. Sarcasm is like a workout for the brain!
Sarcasm From The Lens of Social Psychology
Another supposed benefit of sarcasm is that it improves empathy. While snark may not seem like the most evolved form of communication at first glance, further research reinforces the previous study’s postulation that sarcasm involves complex mental skills. To understand any kind of ironic language, let alone sarcasm, an ability to appreciate the mental states of other people is essential. It is important to know what the speaker actually believes when they give you this example of verbal irony, as words don’t necessarily reveal much when framed in a sarcastic context.
Considering that sarcasm could hold such rewarding potential, does winning the genetic lottery provide one with the upper hand to mastering this nuanced form of verbal irony? Or, is it a perfectly learnable skill? In other words, is it an acquired quality, which is a trait we develop over time through experience, or an inherited quality - a trait we are born with, that is largely determined by our genetic makeup?
Sarcasm & Dunbar’s Number: An Intriguingly Unlikely Relationship
While the research on this specific academic debate has yet to reach a consensus, nor develop as a field at all, a new hypothesis which pays homage to an evolutionary basis is emerging. Evolutionary biologists claim that sociality is the answer to humans being such a successful species. Humans are experts at what anthropologists and others refer to as “social intelligence”. We recognise and keep track of a vast multitude of relationships; according to Dunbar’s number, humans can maintain up to about 150 connections at once! We are also able to easily distinguish between enemies and friends. Studies reveal that a sense of humour is crucial to relationships, and in this day and age, the network of human relationships continues to widen and grow in complexity. Yet, it remains just as important to survival - sarcasm is an integral aspect of both forming and severing friendships.
Reference List
Chin, R. (2011). The Science of Sarcasm? Yeah, Right. [online] Smithsonian Magazine. Available at: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-science-of-sarcasm-yeah-right-25038/. Accessed 14 October 2024
Gino, F. (2015). The Surprising Benefits of Sarcasm. [online] Scientific American. Available at: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-surprising-benefits-of-sarcasm/. Accessed 14 October 2024
published, M.F.S. (2008). Sarcasm Seen as Evolutionary Survival Skill. [online] livescience.com. Available at: https://www.livescience.com/2633-sarcasm-evolutionary-survival-skill.html. Accessed 14 October 2024
Stillman, J. (2024). Here’s All the Research Showing Sarcasm Makes You Smarter and More Creative. [online] Inc. Available at: https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/heres-all-research-showing-sarcasm-smarter-more-creative.html. Accessed 14 October 2024