Time travel is a concept of much fascination, and is very prominent in a lot of sci-fi media. But is time travel merely a fantasy, or could it actually become a reality? Let's delve into the science behind this intriguing concept.
What Is Time?
To comprehend time travel, we must first understand exactly what time is. Time is a measure for change: it moves forward, helping us differentiate between the past from the present and the future. Based on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, time is not constant but gets affected due to speed and gravity.
Einstein's Theory of Relativity
The two main parts of the theory of relativity are special relativity and general relativity, as explained below.
Special Relativity: This theory suggests that time is relative and depends on how fast one is going. For instance, if a person traveled at speeds approaching that of light, time would appear to run slower as compared to someone stationery. This phenomenon is referred to as time dilation.
General Relativity: This theory accounts for how gravity affects time. Large objects like planets and stars have the potential to curve or bend the fabric of space-time, reducing the speed of time moving. This is known as gravitational time dilation.

Potential for Time Travel
Now, we can actually delve into time travel itself.
Time Traveling to the Future
In concept, time travel to the future is possible and has technically been observed, although in very minute amounts. The astronauts onboard the International Space Station experience time approximately 38 microseconds slower than Earth-based humans per day because of their speed and the weaker gravitational pull. If we could travel close to the speed of light, then we would age much more slowly compared to people on Earth, thus traveling into the future. So humans have technically already traveled to the future. Traveling more than just a few seconds into the future would be a much harder task however, and is considered impossible with the science we know today.
Time Traveling to the Past
Time travel to the past is more complicated. Several theories explain how such travels can be possible, though they still remain speculations:
Wormholes: These are hypothetical passages through space-time that could create shortcuts between distant points in the universe. If they exist and could be stabilized, they might allow for backward time travel.

Cosmic Strings: These hypothetical objects are much thinner than an atom, but incredibly dense. If two cosmic strings pass close to each other at high speed, they may distort spacetime sufficiently to create time loops.
Closed Time-like Curves: These are paths through space-time that loop back on themselves. They are solutions to certain equations in general relativity, but their physical reality is uncertain.
Problems and Paradoxes
Time travel, although possible, comes with many accompanying problems:
The Grandfather Paradox: If you traveled back in time and prevented your grandparents from meeting, would you still exist? This paradox raises questions about the consistency of historical events.

Energy Requirements: The required energy to open a wormhole or distort cosmic strings is beyond present technological capability.
Stability and Safety: It is nearly impossible to keep stable wormholes or time loops with our current understanding of physics.
While time travel is a fan-favorite theme in science fiction, it also presents valid scientific questions. The theories of Einstein allow for time dilation, which has been confirmed through experiments. However, time travel to the past still remains speculative and full of paradoxes.
As our understanding of the universe continues to grow, perhaps one day we'll fully unlock the secrets of time travel. For the time being, though, it still remains a fantastic blend of science and imagination that can help in the inspiration of future generations of scientists and dreamers alike.
Works Cited
BBC (n.d.). What is a wormhole? [online] Science Focus. Available at: https://www.sciencefocus.com/space/what-is-a-wormhole.
Britannica (2019). Time Dilation | Explanation, Examples, & Twin Paradox. In: Encyclopædia Britannica. [online] Available at: https://www.britannica.com/science/time-dilation.
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UMBC (2023). Is Time Travel Even Possible? An Astrophysicist Explains The Science Behind The Science Fiction - UMBC: University Of Maryland, Baltimore County. [online] UMBC Magazine. Available at: https://umbc.edu/stories/science-behind-potential-for-time-travel/.