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Western vs. Eastern Medicine

Chelsea Ibekaku

The medical world has a vast and diverse scope that has evolved over time with new

approaches and innovations coming into play. Two of these prominent approaches to

medicine are Western and Eastern medicine which have their distinctions but promote

the same objective of promoting healthcare and treating illnesses. Understanding the

two systems aids the medical industry in taking on a balanced and effective approach

towards health and wellness.

Western vs. Eastern Medicine: an Overview

Western medicine is also referred to as conventional medicine and is heavily centered

on the scientific method and evidence based practice. It's a systematic approach th

makes use of laboratory tests, imaging and symptom analysis to determine treatments.

Western medicine sees its origins in 19th century Greece, having a rapid development

during the scientific revolution and continuing to evolve with technologic

advancements in modern time.

Eastern medicine has ancient Chinese and Indian origin and developed over millennia.

This approach to medicine is holistic and focused on the harmony and balance between

mind, body and spirit. Eastern medicine aims to restore the body’s natural balance and

consists of therapies such as acupuncture and preventive medicine like taichi. Unlike

the targeted interventions of Western medicine, Eastern medicine considers the

lifestyle of patients and incorporates the necessary changes.

Approaches to Wellness: Differences in treating methods

The two systems have significant differences in the way healthcare is practice

Eastern Medicine:

- A holistic perspective is used as health is viewed as a harmonious balance in the

human body.

- It is focused on prevention and emphasizes the maintenance of health and

prevention of illnesses through lifestyle practices, diet and exercises such as

qigong or tai chi.

- The balancing of energies (yin and yang) within the body to maintain good

health is a main focus.

- Eastern medicine is based on addressing the underlying imbalances causing

health issues to get to the root problem rather than treating based on symptoms.

Western Medicine:

- The main focus is on treating specific issues, targeted by breaking down t

body into smaller systems.

- Unlike Eastern medicine, it addresses symptoms of patients rather than the root

cause of a problem.

- Relies heavily on scientific methodology, clinical trials and evidence-bas


- Emphasizes specialized areas of medicine to treat ailments such as surgery,

pharmaceuticals, vaccines etc.

Strengths and Limitations of the Approaches

Both systems have distinct advantages and limitations. Eastern medicine is praised in

its ability in managing chronic illnesses, stress, and preventive care. Its focus is mainly

on prevention and treating the patient's body as a whole rather than just symptoms.

With an emphasis on natural remedies like herbs and acupuncture, this approach

makes it possible to manage health concerns with fewer side effects than

pharmaceuticals. Eastern practices such as tai chi can improve physical fitness a

balance, while its therapies may enhance sleep quality and support mental health. It is

more accessible and affordable and aims to restore balance and promote overall

well-being in the body which is a key benefit.

Through its holistic approach and views on balancing the energies of the body, it does

not bear rigid scientific validation that requires it to be accepted universally. As it is n

standardized the potential misuse of Eastern practices may result in health risks and

safety concerns.

Western medicine is effective in the sense that it follows the scientific method and

based on evidence through experimentation and trials. As a result many breakthroughs

in healthcare and innovation have stemmed from Western medicine and it is more

widely accepted in today’s technologically driven world. With its specialized expertise

in specific areas of medicine, advanced tools such as CT scans, x- ray machines a

blood testing help to identify illnesses quicker and more effectively. The ability of this

approach to work quickly in life threatening medical situations and offer targeted care

is a benefit.

However Western medicine has many disadvantages. Apart from the higher costs

associated with it, Western medicine is centered on individual body systems, rather

than the body as a whole, overlooking the interdependence of the mind, body and soul,

a setback in the administration of healthcare. Additionally rather than administering

preventative care and focusing on the root cause of ailments, Western medicine tends

to lean towards symptom based treatments. This may lead to unstable states of health

in the long term especially as the use of pharmaceuticals may lead to adverse side

effects or dependency.

Integration: the best of both worlds

Integrating Eastern and Western medicine offers a balanced approach to medicine that

incorporates the strengths of both systems. This approach concentrates on a holistic

view of health that addresses all-round well being of the body while encompassing

advanced scientific innovations and evidence based treatments. By blending Easte

practices like acupuncture and herbal remedies with Western medical technologies and

pharmaceuticals, healthcare providers can develop treatment plans that address both

symptoms and underlying causes. This results in improved patient outcomes and

efficiency in medicine, while promoting preventive care and urging patients to make

improved lifestyle changes. Though limitations exist, such as standardization and

scientific backing of some Eastern practices, the potential benefits of this integr

approach offer improved and thorough patient care and a broader range of treatment

options for patients.

Reference list

DA, P.K., M. D. , FFARCSI (2023). Eastern vs. Western Medicine : Contrasting Approaches to

Healthcare. [online] Epainassist - Useful Information for Better Health. Available at:

Rowe, K. (2024). Western vs Eastern Medicine: Which Is Best for You? [online] BrainMD

Blog. Available at:

Santhakumar, S. (2022). What to Know about Western vs. Eastern Medicine. [online] Available at:



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